The Power ORM

Query Builder

You might notice this page is very short...
RedBeanPHP does not offer a Query Builder. The reason for this is that I like to keep things simple. RedBeanPHP uses good old 'plain SQL'. Nothing fancy. There is no new syntax to learn, no Query Objects, not an SQL dialect, nothing.
Query Builders can be quite complex and you have to judge for yourself whether this additional complexity is justified or not.
Also, the choice for a certain Query Builder is highly subjective, it depends on personal preferences.

So, no Query Builder in RedBeanPHP. However, on this page I offer some suggestions for those of you searching for a Query Builder. Feel free to mail me if you have some suggestions of your own.

Dark Roast

Dark Roast is a Query Builder created by Twiggler. It's a very complete Query Builder attempting to abstract SQL away. It has many interesting features for those who like the concept of a Query Builder. It can even work on arrays instead of a database making it easy to mock the database.
Feel free to take a look at Dark Roast.

Tiniest Query Builder in the World

I am not sure whether this is Query Builder at all. Maybe it's no more than just a 'string builder'.
I have written this one myself, I use it for complex dynamic queries (search forms): Tiniest Query Builder.

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